Get the crypto you want by sending fiat from your bank account, with a seamless bitcoin onramp and offramp. Quick, easy, and secure—even for beginners.
Send and receive Bitcoin effortlessly anytime, anywhere. Easily transfer funds securely with just a wallet address.
Exchange Bitcoin to EUR and EUR to Bitcoin quickly and securely
Transfer Bitcoin to other users for free and easily exchange Bitcoin for other currencies with just a few clicks.
Deposit EUR into your EUR account, convert it into BTC, and transfer it globally.
Easily fund your account by depositing EUR directly into your vIBANs, ensuring fast and secure access to your funds.
Convert your EUR to Bitcoin or the other way around with just a few clicks, with no hidden fees
Send Bitcoin anywhere in the world or convert it back to EUR and transfer it to your bank account with no hidden fees.
Register now to get your free crypto card!
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